CAC App - iPhone, iPad, Android | Coomera Anglican College

Our Key Communication Tool

This App is designed to give Coomera Anglican College parents an easy to use centralised access point to important information about the College. The interface is simple and consistent with that of our website, and designed with touch screen technology in mind. It will be updated regularly to ensure that the information provided is the most current and up-to-date available. Please use the App in conjunction with the College social media channels for the latest information and alerts. The key features of the App are:

  • Key College contacts have been grouped to allow easy contact with various areas of the College.  You can telephone or email directly the area in the College you need to.
  • Need to know if APS sports fixtures have been cancelled due to inclement weather or if buses are returning to the College late?  The Alerts section of the App will provide updates.  The icon will advise you of any new or unread items.  The iPad version will have an alerts bar that will show any urgent messages.
  • Need to check details of an event happening within the College community? The Events section of the App has College calendar access so you can see all current event details.
  • Need to know where to find a location within the College?  There is a fully interactive map feature, which will even show your current location on the map to help guide you around the College.
  • The App gives direct access to the College’s social media channels.  The College utilises these channels to also provide up-to-date information as it comes to hand.
  • Our news page “Gumleaf Gazette”, provides the latest and most up-to-date news stories from the College community.  The App has two ways to obtain College news with a direct link to our news page which is great viewed on a PC, tablet or iPad, but it also includes an RSS feed and viewer for easy viewing on a small screen smartphone.  The icon will advise you of any unread news items.
  • You will also be able to access the Family Business Directory, the College online payment portal, Parent Portal, Student Portal, Staff Portal, the College website and social media sites, and other key information areas of the College.  All have their own icon for easy one touch access.
  • Check out the new Cacaburra icon for important information and updates on all College representative activites.


We welcome any feedback and suggestions you may have, as the information and functionality of the College App will continue to be developed.  Please Email us or phone (07) 5585 9900 with any enquiries or feedback.

We hope that you enjoy the added convenience of this easy to use App, and hope that it makes communication more effective and efficient for you.