Applications now open for Preparatory 2023 and beyond | Coomera Anglican College

Applications now open for Preparatory 2023 and beyond

Coomera Anglican College now welcomes applications for our Preparatory Programme for 2023 and beyond.

Choosing the right education for your child is one of the most important decisions a family makes. Primary education is a crucial and critical stage for academic and social performance for the long-term future. On the Primary campus we focus on developing and strengthening core literacy and numeracy skills, and offer a range of learning experiences to help children cultivate creativity, problem-solving, critical thinking and collaboration. Our focus is on combining a balanced education with Christian values to provide your children with the framework and guidance they need to reach their full potential – academically, spiritually, socially and emotionally. 

Come on Campus

Coming on campus for a tour of our College and facilities is a great way to get a feel for our community. During this tour you will get to see our classrooms in use, experience the Pod and Imaginarium and visit our state of the art sporting facilities.

Book a tour here today. 

Attend a Preparatory Information Night 

Starting school is a significant milestone for young children and their families. This information night is designed to take you through our Preparatory Programme, hear how you can make sure your child is school ready, and the enrolment process. 

Dates for 2021 will be released soon. Register with the College today to receive notification of dates as they are released.

Why Coomera Anglican College

As a College, our aim is to work in partnership with you and your family in a supportive Christian community to nurture, stimulate and challenge your child. Our belief is in the education of the ‘whole’ person through the spiritual, social, emotional, physical, cultural and intellectual growth of each individual. 

Preparatory students form a part of our whole College community and as such become involved in all College activities such as sport carnivals, assemblies, worships, excursions, theme days and swimming programmes at a level appropriate to their age and stage of development. This is combined with all learning areas taught through relevant and engaging classroom lessons integrated with games and activities acknowledging the importance of play in early education. 

Application process

Once you see Coomera Anglican College as the perfect fit for you and your family, knowing and understanding the application and enrolment process is important. 

Submit an enrolment application via our website We recommend that you apply as early as possible to maximise your enrolment opportunity as we do get a large number of applications. 

If you are successful in your application; first round offers for Preparatory placements are sent out every November (for intake in the subsequent two years) with Preparatory screenings to take place in April / May the year before they start. Screenings are done to make sure that your child is developmentally ready to start Preparatory.  An opportunity to meet with the Head of Primary will continue to establish your relationship with the College.  We welcome you to an Orientation Day for Preparatory students that will occur in October to take parents and students through the College facilities and begin the process of welcoming your family as part of our College community.  

Preparing your child for Preparatory

Starting school is very exciting, but it can also be a time where you and your child may feel nervous about what will happen after entering the classroom doors. The Coomera Anglican College Preparatory Orientation Day is an important day for your child to attend as it provides them with the opportunity to experience the types of activities both within the Preparatory classroom and in the wider College.

To support your child’s best start in Preparatory, it would be important that your child is confident in completing the following:

Jump and land with two feet together.
Confidently climb ladders, playground, equipment and steps. -Cross legs when sitting on the floor.  
Practice writing their name, colouring and cutting out paper. -Sing songs and play with rhymes, drawing children’s attention to the words that’s sound the same and having gun substituting new rhymes. -Naming colours and some shapes and matching them accurately. Tell stories about events in their lives in sequence.
Count a group of objects up to about 10. -Listen carefully
Toilet themselves
Look after their belongings.
 We look forward to working with you and welcoming you into our College community. 

Please view our FAQs, Schedule of Fees or Download College Prospectus

For more information contact our Enrolments Office on 07 5585 9916, Email Us or simply register online.